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▣Good things for parenting▣ Mommy, a must-have for baby’s life, rest assured~Roaze wet and dry baby gauze towel


Source: Ginger Keong


A while ago, I saw a mom in the mommy group posting a post. The post mentioned that she has the habit of cleaning the baby's mouth with a special wet tissue for the oral cavity. But the message below attracted many mothers to remind her not to use wet tissues and to use a handkerchief.

To be honest, I’m a little surprised that most mothers in Malaysia don’t know about Oral Wipes. In fact, there are already many major brands on the market that have launched this kind of oral cleansing wipes. But I know that many more traditional mothers are actually not used to this kind of usage and would rather choose a handkerchief. But do you know that there is also a #dry and wet paper towel on the market, which is more hygienic?

I use this brand Roaze from Taiwan
It is cut a piece of gauze towel. When you need to use it, you can add water. Very soft, it is significantly softer than handkerchiefs, other gauze and wet wipes. It is very suitable for use on baby's skin and mouth, such as newborn bath towels, face towels, wipes, and can also be used for breastfeeding. Before the cleaning towel.

In addition to babies, adults are also suitable. Because it can also be used as a makeup remover, as a facial mask, as well as to clean wounds, etc...
It is a medical-grade universal towel.

If your baby's skin is particularly sensitive, I recommend you to try this dry tissue.

• Zero additives (no preservatives, flavors, etc.)
• Passed skin irritation and sensitivity test
•Pass the safety test of SGS migratory fluorescent agent and formaldehyde
•Medical equipment manufactured by G.M.P certified manufacturer

▪ Just add clean water before use
▪ After humidification, please use it within 24 hours to avoid breeding of bacteria (because no preservatives are added)
▪ It can be used directly at the same time

A variety of sizes and thicknesses to choose from, very versatile!


In addition, Roaze Malaysia has recently introduced the latest peas quilt. The hand-painted color selection of the forest style is really hard to resist!

Sleeping Minky Blankets have become a must-have blanket for children, and Roaze's sleeping minky blankets also do not contain fluorescent agents, formaldehyde, heavy metals and other toxic substances, and the fabric is softer and smoother, making people feel comfortable and want to fall asleep.

Gift box packaging, you can give gifts directly, very decent!