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Usage Guideline for Wet Wipe

Guidelines for using wet and dry wipes

What is the difference between wet and dry gauze towels and wet tissues on the market?

Wet and dry gauze towels do not need chemical adhesives to help the fibers bond, but use high-pressure water needles to connect the fibers, so there is no need to worry about the production of chemicals. Wet wipes usually use ethanol or add preservatives and other chemicals to preserve the humidity and effect of wet wipes. For babies with sensitive skin, they are prone to allergies and rashes.

What is the difference between the soft and comfortable gauze towel
  • Comfortable model (20 x 20cm)-It adopts porous surface texture, the material is softer and more comfortable, with excellent water absorption, good ductility, and higher thickness than the slender model. Suitable for all kinds of purposes, suitable for all ages
  • Slim and soft (20 x 20cm)-using a flat texture, the touch is closer to that of paper towels on the market, soft to the touch, relatively affordable, suitable for general skin and home cleaning
Where are Roaze wet and dry gauze towels produced

Adhere to Made in Taiwam made in Taiwan, adopt dust-free automatic folding packaging, safe and reliable

How long is the shelf life of Roaze wet and dry gauze towels?

Five years under normal storage conditions (see the expiry date of the box for details). Please keep it in a cool and dry place, away from humid environment, and avoid direct sunlight to avoid deterioration.