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11 tips for postpartum breastfeeding


Many new mothers are curious about the seemingly natural yet mysterious task of breastfeeding after giving birth, but without all the pressure from the world, we as mothers always want the best for our babies.

First of all, don't put too much pressure on yourself, our love for your baby can't just be conveyed through breastfeeding, do what you can, don't make it difficult for yourself is the basic principle!

The dry and wet baby gauze towel can be used as mammary cleansing and breastfeeding cleansing cotton, as well as a home overflow pad, more comfortable and breathable than the general overflow pad, is and breastfeeding mothers side by side as a good friend!

These 10 secrets of postpartum plans to breastfeeding mothers, definitely need to know, very helpful!

1. have confidence in yourself.
It is important for mothers to be confident that they are capable of breastfeeding, regardless of the shape and size of their breasts, so that they can produce enough milk to provide adequate nutrition for their babies.

2. Maintain a good mood
Whether breastfeeding is sufficient or not is closely related to a mother's emotions.

3. Initially, it is recommended to increase the frequency of breastfeeding.
The less milk you have, the more often you need to increase the number of times your baby sucks because your baby's sucking power is greater. But remember to keep it to about 15 minutes on one side to avoid nipple injury.

4. After sparing the milk, then start to eat milk fermented food.
It is recommended to start eating milk-producing foods only after there is significant postpartum bloating and sparing of milk, so as not to aggravate the blockage and increase the mother's discomfort.

5. Balanced feeding on both breasts
If you only feed one breast, the other breast will be less stimulated, and the natural lactation will decrease, so it is easy to have problems with the size of the milk, and one nipple is also easy to be injured.

6. Breast emptying
The baby's sucking on the nipple is the best stimulation of breast milk secretion, try to let the baby fully empty the breast every time you breastfeed, which is conducive to the re-production of milk, if the baby really sleeps, can be used to squeeze the breast emptying.

7. The right amount of added water
Breastfeeding mothers often feel thirsty when breastfeeding, this is normal phenomenon, the mother in the breastfeeding should pay attention to replenish water ex: soy milk, almond flour tea, plain vegetable soup .... etc. This way the milk supply will be sufficient and nutritious.

8. Take the opportunity to rest
In the early stages of breastfeeding, the frequency of breastfeeding is high, and you have to get up several times during the night to feed your baby, so you won't be able to sleep well at night. Remember to make sure your baby is sucking when you are breastfeeding, and be sure to wake him up gently so that he doesn't get hungry again after feeding.

9. Before breastfeeding can massage hot compress stimulation
In the absence of mastitis or redness and heat, you can apply a warm, clean towel and massage your breasts gently to stimulate the secretion of milk before breastfeeding.

10. Avoid nipple injury
If a mom's nipple is injured, broken or bleeding and causes inflammation, it can affect milk production. To avoid nipple injury, it is recommended that mothers adopt the correct feeding position and control the time spent sucking on one side, otherwise it's easy to get repeated injuries!

If you follow these 10 points, you can breastfeed smoothly, so don't worry, let's do it together!
Dry and wet baby gauze towels will gently accompany your baby through the hard but sweet breastfeeding period.