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[Outing Sports] Instructions for use of ROAZE dry and wet baby gauze towel


Nowadays, many people are in the habit of working out or exercising regularly, such as going to the gym, cycling, hiking or jogging for fresh air on holidays, so a reusable towel is a must.

But has it ever occurred to you that there might be a lighter and more suitable option?


It can be used as a mask and helmet liner when riding a bicycle or running on the road, so that the cloth mask or helmet liner does not have to be washed frequently.


dry use

Wet Use


Mask lining

Helmet lining

Mobile phone/tablet wipes

Eyeglass Wipes

Face Towel

Personal Care Wipes

pep-talk towel

sweat wipe

 Stain Remover


When you go out or come home from sports, you can use Roaze's wet and dry baby gauze towel to remove dirt from your face, hands and nose.


It can be used as face towels, handkerchiefs, mobile phone/tablet wipes, stain removers and more. It can be used as face towels, small handkerchiefs, cell phone/tablet wipes, dirt removal towels, etc. It is a multi-purpose towel with zero added burden, so parents don't need to bring a variety of small towels for backup.


In addition to recreational use, when men are tired of driving, they can place the wetted Roaze dry and wet baby gauze towel in the air conditioning mouth and blow cool, not only dry and not sticky, but also refreshing, refreshing and neat, no longer need to go to a rest stop to wash your face to refresh!


Haven't experienced the cottony touch of the Roaze Wet and Dry Baby Gauze Towel yet?

Now would be a good time! Get your hands on the Natural Pure Essential Experience Group!