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[Postpartum Mommy] Instructions for use of Roaze wet and dry baby gauze towel


Mothers are at their most vulnerable and need special care during the postpartum period. Although adults have developed some immunity to chemical additives, this is a time when you should be taken care of, so that you can regain your energy and strength to take care of your baby.


The ingredients of baby wipes on the market are not suitable for use by mothers during menstruation, as they have needs for wound healing, bad dew cleaning, breast pump cleaning, breastfeeding nipple cleaning, etc., which are closely related to the baby and their intimate skin.


Traditionally, mothers should avoid washing their hair and touching raw water for 30-45 days after childbirth in order to avoid any infections or discomfort from the cold. This is not an easy task for mothers, and the Roaze dry and wet baby gauze towel is a great companion for mothers during this period.


Roaze Dry & Wet Baby Gauze Towel can be used as an intimate cleansing and dew cleansing towel after soaking in warm water. Use with ginger, hyssop or hot water to wipe off oily scalp (and blow dry after use).


If you are breastfeeding, you can use our dry and wet baby gauze towels as a cleansing pad or as a breastfeeding pad.


dry use Wet Use

Breast Pads

Wipe the breast pump after disinfection

Clean cotton

Face Towel

Nipple Cleaning

Breastfeeding Cleanse

Intimate Skin Care

Scalp Cleaning

Postpartum Sanitizing Wipes


There are happy moms, and then there are happy, smiling babies.

Roaze's wet and dry baby gauze towels can be used to provide baby-like care for mothers during the month of confinement.


Because you're worth it!

Invite mommy to experience the soft comfort of Roaze.