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[Elderly care articles] Instructions for use of Roaze wet and dry baby gauze towel


Malaysia is facing the intersection of aging and declining birthrate, and the needs of the silver-haired generation cannot be ignored.

When we were young, we were our parents' babies, but in fact, our elders also need to be taken care of like a baby!


The skin protective function of elders is lower than that of the average adult, and this part needs special attention. The ingredients in wet wipes can cause irritation, redness, dryness and itching of the skin of the elderly. Roaze's wet and dry baby gauze towels are a great way to help your elders take care of their skin at this stage.


dry use wet use

secretion wipe

feeding tube

pillow cushion (mattress)

face towel

butt care towel

sweat wipe

Mouth, hand and ear cleaning wipes


When dry, it can be used as a face wipe, pillow cushion or feeder to reduce the frequency of laundry change, soothe the mind of the caregiver and reduce the discomfort of the elderly.

It can also be used as a mouth, hand and ear cleaning towel for elderly people after waking up, after eating and before going to bed.

It can also be used as a sweat towel when you are out for sports or walks, and can be used for both dry and wet wiping.

It's never too late to be obedient to your parents, so get them a set of suitable care towels!