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[Household Cleaning] Instructions for use of Roaze wet and dry baby gauze towel


The kitchen and bathroom are ranked as a battlefield for cleaning the home environment because they are used frequently.

At this time, Roaze dry and wet baby gauze towels are your best friends, and you can easily remove grease and dirt with a simple wipe after meals.

Note: Old oil and dirt can be easily removed with baking soda or detergent.


It can be used as an absorbent towel for food and cookware, a dish towel or a dust mop wipe, which can reduce the amount of detergent used and help the whole family to eat healthier.

When soaked, Roaze's baby gauze towels can be used as dish towels, floor wipes, kitchen towels, bathroom towels, and more. Any wipe-related cleaning task can be accomplished with our baby gauze towels.


dry use wet use

food absorbent wipes

Skillet wipes

Tableware wiping

Dust mop towel

 glass cleaning

3C product wiping

Screen lens wipe

Jewelry wipes

Dusting paper

dish towel

Floor wiping

Dirt Remover

 Table and chair wiping

Fruit wipes


If you have precision instruments or jewelry at home, dry wipe to remove dirt, oil and dust from the items.

Haven't yet experienced the amazing versatility of Roaze Wet & Dry Baby Gauze Towels?