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[Pets] Instructions for use of Roaze dry and wet baby gauze towel


Is it appropriate to use pet wipes to clean the eyes, muzzle and nose of a fur baby? Do fur kids still use pet wipes to wipe their paws after they go out and come in? Is Hairy Kids Cleaning Solution suitable for spraying on wet pet wipes? Is it appropriate to use pet wipes to wipe your fart after your fur baby's poop is liberated?

These questions may have been asked by Pets's parents, but since there is no standard answer, it's too late to continue using wet wipes until Pets's baby has some non-seasonal allergy problems.

It's not hard to notice that fur babies sometimes have frequent tears, eye droppings and abnormal movements...etc., which may be a sign of allergies in your pet. (It's not hard to imagine when you anthropomorphize your fur baby...)

In fact, hairy children, too, need to be especially careful about the chemical composition of the products they use Oh!

It can also be used as a wet and dry wipe for baby's tear ducts and as a cleaning wipe for baby's mouth, nose and ears.

It can also be used with MaoWash (ex: MaoWash - Herbal Cleansing Lotion) to clean the fur baby's feet, body, buttocks, face, eye area and mouth.


dry use wet use

poop disposal

amuse oneself


butt care towel

Mouth, nose and ear cleaning wipes

Tear gland wipe

Hand and Foot Cleaners


When you are out for a walk, it's not a problem to take care of your fur baby's poop, but you can easily do it with a Roaze Dry & Wet baby gauze towel and a plastic bag.

After a walk, after a meal, you can spend every warm moment with your fur baby in the comfort of your own home with our baby gauze towels.