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Talking about the effect of percutaneous poisoning on newborns


Transdermal toxins are chemicals that enter the body through the skin. These chemicals accumulate in the body and may cause lesions. They are mainly found in everyday products such as wet wipes, kitchen detergents, shampoos, bath products, make-up, care products, perfumes... etc.

Almost all chemically synthesized products have transcutaneous toxicity. The strength of skin protection is compared as follows: neonates < young children < old people < adults. In other words, newborns have the worst skin protection and are the most sensitive and fragile.

In addition, in the event of injury or illness, the protective function of the skin will be weakened, so the absorption rate will be higher, and the absorption rate of transdermal toxins is highest in the anus and genital organs.

According to pediatricians, many parents use baby wipes to wipe their baby's bottom or use baby cleanser to wash their baby's bottom after peeing or pooping, but baby wipes contain chemical additives that can stimulate recurring outbreaks of red buttocks.

You should also avoid using baby wipes if your child has other skin conditions. ex: drool rash, nappy rash, dermatitis, allergies... etc. etc.

In addition, your baby's skin is thinner than adult's, and frequent use of skin cleansers can wash away the sebum layer and make it more fragile. If your baby has red bottom, it is recommended to wash it with water and wipe it with a wet/dry baby gauze towel, or wipe it with a wet/dry baby gauze towel and pure water, and let it dry for about 5-10 minutes.

Baby Skin Care Essentials

  • Avoid using baby wipes to wipe your bottom when changing nappies and wash your bottom with detergent every time to avoid skin irritation.
  • When changing nappies, wipe gently with water or with a baby washcloth.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are too brightly colored to reduce the chance of skin damage from chemical irritants.
  • If your baby's skin condition is still red and swollen, please use a natural baby gauze towel with pure water to cleanse the area, do not use soothing lotion.